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03 Project - Group project

Pirate Castle Exhibition 

For this project we are creating an exhibition in The Pirate Castle, where we will exhibit our work from 02 Project - The Pirate Castle. 

Individual Idea

Structure Idea 1

We started off this project by individual Idea generation. Creating models in 1:5  Scale which had to consist of trestles, and make joints 1:1 scale. With our individual work we gathered as a group to present and discuss our thoughts.


Our main vision with this exhibition was to create an experience for the visitors, as well as present our work in the best way possible. 


Structure Idea 2


Joints 1:1 Scale

Testing joint method - (Tongue and Groove) Trestle + wood

This method is creating good support and is very stable. So far it is very successful and easy. It is something to consider for the tables in the exhibition space. Would also make it easy to set up and take down for an exhibition.


Group discussion

After discussing and brain-storming as a group we picked out different elements from each individual Ideas, to then connect them. From this we came up with our Idea of the final exhibition structure, which we created in 1:5 Scale. 


1:5 Scale model 

The foam squares on the photo is where the models will be placed. Portfolios will then be placed at the tables. The projector will show on one side of the wooden frame placed on top of the tables. 

After creating this model as a group, I used photoshop to be able to visualise our intention with the structure.


Our vision is to create a structure which takes the visitors on a journey, and our focus is the wooden frame element, which is created as a tunnel. This tunnel is symbolising our journey through the surroundings of the Pirate Castle, and this is something we want to be able to give to our visitors. 

Final Layout

After creating the models, visuals and doing tests in the workshop I created a layout plan. 



Click Image to enlarge


Online Exhibition



Due to CoVid- 19, we had to cancel our exhibition. Because of this we decided to create an online exhibition, where we would display our work instead. 



Click to explore our Online Exhibition

The link to the website will be available the 17th of May when we publish our online exhibition. Stay tuned!


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